abix - Austrian Bit Experts: About

About Austrian Bit Experts


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Austrian Bit Experts provide value to their clients by being a reliable partner in tailoring software solutions for quickly evolving embedded and IoT hardware and for their fast moving markets.


Austrian Bit Experts are located in the 2nd municipal district of Vienna named "Leopoldstadt" after the Habsburg emperor Leopold I. The Leopoldstadt is a vibrant quarter with a mix of office and urban living spaces located between the Danube River and the Danube Canal. Among its many notable residents there are names as Lise Meitner, Theodor Herzl, Sigmund Freud, Johann Nestroy, Jura Soyfer, Billy Wilder and others.

Haasgasse 7

Job Offerings

Java, Eclipse, GUI Developer

Compiler LLVM Developer

GNU Debugger Developer



Lauterbach is the leading manufacturer of complete, modular and upgradeable microprocessor development tools. The unified and configurable user interface and architecture-independent base modules support almost all of the available processor architectures in the market today. Thanks to this modular concept, the debug system can be optionally extended with off-chip trace functions. TRACE32® tools are applied early in the pre-silicon phase for virtual prototyping and provide seamless transition to all follow-up phases throughout the development process until mass production.

Solid Sands
Solid Sands is the world-leading provider of verification and qualification technology for C and C++ compilers and libraries. Our mission is to make the world a safer place. Our products support companies to achieve both the highest quality objectives and the most up-to-date functional safety standard requirements. By creating the best possible test suites for C and C++ compilers, libraries, and analysis tools, we are at the forefront of software testing and qualification. Our flagship products include SuperTest, the most comprehensive compiler test and validation suite, and SuperGuard, a library safety qualification suite. With industry partners worldwide, we serve leading and innovative semiconductor, IP and security companies, as well as safety-critical software companies in the automotive, robotics, railway and medical industries.

robimo - robots in motion
Robimo, a spin off from the University of Vienna, is a software service provider and creates research based, modern software products. As basis we cover the areas of web development (full stack, frameworks include e.g. symfony, wordpress, typo3, react, phonegap, etc.), virtual and augmented reality projects for education, training, entertainment, etc., artificial intelligence and machine learning (our main competence is image analysis and object detection), and unmanned aerial vehicles (aka drones). We can combine these areas in integrated products, applications include building maintenance in industrial areas, energy providers, media production (movies and commercials), medical organizations, car manufacturers, etc.


A retargetable, high performance simulator tool with a palette of outstanding features, like reverse execution, undefined value support, VLIW support, SystemC/TLM interface, and others. By means of a generator tool a target CPU architecture description is converted into source code for building a HIPERSIM simulator variant for the respective CPU. Thus, HIPERSIM can be easily adopted to different architectures and architecture changes like the ISA specification or the register file. A RISC-V simulator reaching 400 MIPS with well reputed benchmarks and 1.000 MIPS peak performance is available to customers:

ABIX HiperSIM Simulator

ABIX has worked with the German company Lauterbach to interface HIPERSIM with the renowned, worldwide used Lauterbach TRACE32 debug solutions. The ABIX HIPERSIM for RISC-V can be found in the Lauterbach list of supported simulations "Supported Simulations/ Emulations/ Debug via Standard I/O".

European emblem This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 877543.

 IoT COGUTS Compiler

An LLVM based compiler tool providing optimizations for IoT and other systems with low resource footprint. Due to the innovative multi-objective optimization technology the COGUTS compiler can generate code which is simultaneously optimized for code size, execution speed and power consumption. The initial version of the COGUTS compiler will be targeted at RISC-V based IoT systems.


Austrian Bit Experts is a technology, services and consultancy company that provides software tools solutions for the embedded system and IoT markets. ABIX has been founded in the second quarter of 2013 by a team working in the embedded software industry for two decades and who built up a unique stock of expertise and experience in a variety of embedded sectors.


ABIX's major asset and customer value is a team with solely senior level expertise and an elite skill set. Each Austrian Bit Expert has at least ten years of strong background in creating state of the art software tools for embedded multi-core and SoC systems. The engineering staff's competences comprise computer science as well as electronic engineering, field-tested on a broad variety of embedded platforms and system architectures including DSP, RISC and vector processors designs.
Together with the interpersonal skills acquired through many years of working for worldwide clients and collaborating with globally distributed teams Austrian Bit Experts do have developed and fostered a holistic view to customer needs and to the process of architecting and developing software tools. These profound and wide ranging excellences are all brought into service to benefit our customers.

 Technology Expertise

Austrian Bit Experts technology competencies comprise the design and development of code generation tools (i.e. compilation, assembling and linking tools), integrated development environments, simulators, debuggers and of sophisticated tracing tools which are becoming more and more popular today.

The teams' expertise also includes open source software, such as Eclipse CDT, Eclipse TCF, Eclipse Trace Compass, LLVM, GCC, QEmu and IoT projects such as Node-RED, Eclipse-Paho, -Kura, and -Kapua, and corresponding protocols like MQTT, REST, and LWM2M. Embedded software skills include ARM mbed, FreeRTOS, and AWS IoT.

Other expertise includes emulation and JTAG protocol standards, system level modeling and high level synthesis via OSCI, SystemC and TLM standards. In the field of user interface design ABIX can resort to a rich project history of creating HMI (human machine interface) development tools. The engineering staff is conversant with all established host and target platforms as well as with programming languages, frameworks and APIs used in the embedded area and beyond.

 Industries & Markets

ABIX services business is aiming at the industries and markets which benefit most from the expertise Austrian Bit Experts have thoroughly acquired in a multitude of projects carried out for their clients. These industries and markets include semiconductor chip makers, automotive embedded info- and entertainment systems, medical embedded systems and life science systems.
Particularly for the development of new microprocessors, special purpose and application specific (e.g. system on chip) integrated circuits ABIX has all required experience ready to provide software tool solutions that fully exploit the sophistications of these devices. Austrian Bit Experts are highly specialized in architecting and implementing software tools that support application creation and verification for these devices and safeguard that software tools are being available at the time the new hardware is ready for roll out.

 Consulting Services

ABIX offers complete and secure consultancy packages ranging from surveying client needs over feasibility studies to validation and verification services for 3rd party tools. Based on our analyses we propose tool solutions and implementation models adapted to hardware specifics, client preferences and budget. Our hardware related expertise helps clients to identify hardware/software issues at an early stage and to develop appropriate improvements.
The Austrian Bit Experts consulting offerings include:
  • Requirements survey and collection
  • Solution design and realization
  • Due dilligence and validation

 Development Services

The ABIX development services start with the design of the software architecture and include (on demand) the creation and preparation of application prototypes to enable our clients to evaluate and confirm the proposed concepts collaterally. We provide our customers options to determine the inclusion of 3rd party and open source components to align products with existing applications or to consider cost related aspects. All ABIX developments include full quality assurance and on request documentation, tutorials and examples. Maintenance packages are available if regular product updates and problem fixes are required.
The Austrian Bit Experts development offerings include:
  • Architecture and specification
  • Prototyping and development
  • Quality assurance and documentation
  • Maintenance and deployment

 Support Services

For all its developments ABIX offers training packages which include on-site workshops, installation and usage training as well as in-depth briefing and hands-on seminars for practical solutions. Service request management comprises the provisioning of a web based ticketing and reporting system that can be accessed by customers, the categorization and prioritization of issues and an obligatory reply, response and fix schedule to help our clients to resolve problems fast and reliable.
The Austrian Bit Experts support offerings include:
  • Customer training
  • Service request management

Contact Us

For general information about ABIX, please contact:

For information about our services, please contact:



Haasgasse 7, Top 2
1020 Wien
Gewerbe: Dienstleistungen in der automatischen Datenverarbeitung
Magistratisches Bezirksamt Wien für den 1. und 8. Bezirk
Firmenbuchnummer: FN 395687v, Handelsgericht Wien
UID: ATU67890008
Mitglied der WKÖ Fachgruppe UBIT

